IN NO WAY SHOULD REMARKABLEHEALING.COM’S WEB SITE AND ONLINE GUIDES BE CONSIDERED AS OFFERING MEDICAL ADVICE! THE CONTENT ON THE SITE IS PRESENTED IN SUMMARY FORM, IS GENERAL IN NATURE, AND IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. NEVER DISREGARD MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY IN SEEKING IT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE READ ON THE SITE! As noted throughout this site, the information on is provided for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for a health care provider's consultation. Please consult your own physician or appropriate health care provider about the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your own symptoms or medical conditions as these diseases commonly present with variable signs and symptoms. Check with a physician if you suspect you are ill, or believe you may have one of the problems discussed on, as many problems and disease states may be serious and even life-threatening. Also note that while frequently updates its contents, medical information changes rapidly. Therefore, some information may be out of date or even possibly inaccurate and erroneous. If you find information on our site that you believe is in error, please let us know. The information on should not be considered complete, nor should it be relied on to suggest a course of treatment for a particular individual. It should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation or the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider. Information obtained in is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions or their treatment. Should you have any health care related questions, please call or see your physician or other qualified health care provider promptly. Always consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before embarking on a new treatment, diet or fitness program. You should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in does not recommend or endorse any specific test, products, or procedures that may be mentioned on the Site. Any opinions expressed on the Site are the opinions of the authors. does not assume any liability for the contents of any material provided on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by, its Health Experts, commentators or other visitors to the site is solely at your own risk. assumes no liability or responsibility for damage or injury to persons or property arising from any use of any product, information, idea, or instruction contained in the materials provided to you. reserves the right to change or discontinue at any time any aspect or feature of this site. You understand further that the Internet contains unedited materials some of which are sexually explicit and may be offensive to you. You access this material at your own risk., its licensers and its suppliers have no control over and accept no responsibility whatsoever for such materials.